Alfred Grosser (1925 - 2024)

Wir bedanken uns ! Nous vous remercions !

We would like to pay tribute to Alfred Grosser, a loyal friend of the library, who appreciated and supported our work throughout his years at Sciences Po.

In addition to the rich scientific production he has created, his attentive advice to our teams and his many donations have enriched our collections over the years.

Here you will find a list of the resources available in the library to which Alfred Grosser contributed as an author, editor or thesis supervisor throughout his research career.

Le 11 décembre 1976, à la bibliothèque, Alfred Grosser (debout à droite) en compagnie de Raymond Aron assiste à une séance de dédicace organisée par le bureau des étudiants pour la sortie du livre La guerre civile mondiale de Jacqueline Grapin et Jean-Bernard Pinatel (tous deux assis). Inconnu / Sciences Po

On 11 December 1976, in the library, Alfred Grosser (standing right) and Raymond Aron attended a book signing organised by the student office for the publication of the book La guerre civile mondiale by Jacqueline Grapin and Jean-Bernard Pinatel (both seated). Unknown / Sciences Po
Updated on 10/04/2024

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